Monday, September 1, 2008

the joys of music

I have just returned from a free Christian music festival called Lifelight; the weather was beautiful, the bands were entertaining, and I had lovely company for the entire weekend. All in all, I would say it was a good three days! I made the 2.5 hour with two of my classmates, and we had excellent bonding for all the time on the road. Also, Liz and her roommate took themselves, so we got to meet up with them at the festival. I'm not sure I can write a coherent entry with good transitions and interesting tidbits, so I am going to go ahead and make a bullet list of the top 6 things from the weekend. (not in any specific order...i can't pick a BEST..)
- getting lunch from Bagel Boys and dinner at Hu Hut
- practicing dance moves with Molly (liz's roommate)
- sneaking in the "employee entrance gate" to see the pool when we went to pick up my friend from work...and then mistaking a different lifeguard for my friend!
- sitting on the blanket talking with Sarah about the ethical issues medical schools ask about in applications/interviews and also talking about whether pediatric oncology is a profession Sarah can handle.
- rocking out to familiar songs
- laughing
just to name a few.

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