Hello everyone! Has spring sprung in your neck of the woods yet? There are pretty wild flowers everywhere and the hills are all green here. We have to soak it all in and remember it when those hills turn different shades of brown in a few months. We said goodbye to Mom Saturday night and to Grandpa a week before that. It was great to have them visit and we had loads of fun visiting sights around Amman as well as a trip to Jerash. The highlight, for me, was our trip to Jerusalem and beyond. We spent two nights at the same guest house where the whole family stayed in 1965! It was pure coincidence that I reserved there - or was it?! From there took a bus to Haifa where we viewed the Bahai gardens from the top (couldn't go down with our roller suitcases). Then we took a 30 minute taxi ride to a school that Grandpa had read about and wanted to visit. I'll let Grandpa tell you about the school and its history. We stayed a night there and then came back to Amman. It sure was nice to have family here. Know that you are all invited any time you can come! Happy Easter and Happy Spring!