Wednesday, December 15, 2010

More gift ideas for Stephen!

Peace, love, blessings!

Nice picture, Lisa! When you learn to play an instrument, it's something you'll always have.

I've been trying to think of other things I might want to add to my list of things I might want to have for Christmas. I got my truck back from the mechanic the day before my birthday. I'd been doing without it since around Labor Day so I could save up some money. When I blew the head gasket in South Carolina, two mechanics told me to put radiator stop leak into the radiator. Apparently, that stop leak gummed up everything. The mechanics were able to clean it up to the point that it doesn't overheat anymore, but they couldn't save the coil for the heater and it would be a thousand dollars in parts and labor to replace the part. I've been doing without a heater anyway for a few years, because I didn't want to fix something else that was keeping it from heating. It's not like I need a heater in Georgia, but it would be nice to have a heater that I could plug in just for once in a while.

Then there's that green backpack that Joy and Michael have been telling me I orter replace. All the seams are coming unravelled and there's not much left to the top flap but the straps. Still, it serves it's function. I wouldn't mind getting a new one, though.

I was taking Spanish classes for a little while at the senior center until they found out I wasn't a senior and I haven't been studying Spanish at all for most of this year. I'd like to get back into it, but I don't have Spanish-speaking friends who don't speak good English, and there just isn't that much of an incentive, especially when I have other things to do. However, I would like to get a maintenance and construction Spanish-English dictionary: Terms for tools, hardware, materials, and procedures.

I guess that's all for now. I don't mean to be begging. I really can get all these things for myself. Talking about the material things that I might want and need seems like a good way to share a little bit about the way I live and the things I think about. I used to ask for big things. Now I'm more concerned about not having more than I can accommodate.

Wisdom and Happiness,

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

AJ playing his trumpet

Here's a little video of AJ playing his trumpet with band. The parents were invited to sit with their children and see what they have learned since October. He goes to the Baptist School twice a week to practice. The American missionary that runs the band there has been here for over 25 years! It's great that she lets kids join who don't attend that school. This is beginner band and hopefully AJ will continue on to the intermediate next school year. So far it's really easy for him since he had lessons last year. Good he's not stressed about practicing.

Hope you are all well and are getting excited about Christmas. We're lucky to have neighbors with lots of decorations and lights!

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