It was great to have Connie come and visit on her way back from San Diego. We watched the Obama speech during the Democratic convention at Nancy's home, and swam in the lake.
I made Karl's vest from a green top, and those purple pants so he could be a joker twin during homecoming week.
For our Rally Sunday we had a hayrack ride at Riverside Campgrounds, where the sunday school offerings will go.

We had a nice trip to Nebraska this last weekend of Sept.- Jon's nephew, Chris (Jon's sis: Jan & Jim's son who lives in Rhode Island) told everyone he and his wife (Jen) planned to be camping at Mahoney state park (between Omaha and Lincoln) and he'd welcome seeing anyone that could also make it there.
It happened that Karl & Martin's Friday game took us 90 miles west, so we decided to keep going west and south and get together with them for Saturday. Andrea and Liz came along. I enjoyed getting to know Jen's family as we paddle boated, and painted ceramics, and ran up and down a grassy way to a beautiful view of the platte river. miniature golf, and throwing a football around. enjoying the changing fall colors. Martin and Karl got a tour of Offit AFB and went to an air and space museum with Jim. They lost the game by a couple touchdowns. this was Martin's first time to kick for varsity. He kicks on Monday nights in the JV games and has been just standing on the sidelines watching on Fridays. Jon's sister, Alice, was there, too.
This park had cabins, that were pricey, but an option for camping, too that was only $18 per night for a tent.
I'll be memorizing lines for a funny play again... "Christmas Belles" 1st 2 weekends in Dec.
We've decided to do some water proofing to our basement, so that will take some moving of stuff to put in 2 sump pumps - one in andrea's closet, and one in jon and mine. In Oct. After I'm done working 2 days a week at the farm, I hope. We're lucky the cold air missed us in sept. I'll miss working with Jan and Tim and their crew.
Construction has started on our Library expansion. Our new temporary location is working out OK. check it out a ... scroll down for the latest picture and also see some on the blog within that site.
I love you all, and like reading your posts.
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