2010 is here! I've been surprised to discover the general attitude a lot of people have is one of "thank God 2009 is over, let's hope 2010 is better." I don't agree with that sentiment. I think that every year is wonderful and filled with it's own beauty, whether it is painful and difficult or pleasure filled and carefree. So while I love the possibilities and excitement that a new year holds as much as the next person, I don't think there's any need to immediately shun 2009. It was a year of change and new horizons for me- graduating from Illinois, traveling in Europe, moving to a new town, starting my career, and a whole host of new relationships! I grew a lot.
I am a bit of a resolutions junkie regardless of the time of year, so now that it's OFFICIALY resolution time I feel like a kid in a candy shop! I decided to make 3 resolutions. One for the betterment of my mind, one for my body, and one for my soul.
Mind: Read the Bible front to back
Body: Participate in the Yoga class at my gym once a week
Soul: Learn two new guitar chords a week
I think those will work well as three big resolutions to compliment the myriad of little personal development aspirations that fleet in and out of my life.
I Love seeing your space, Marli. AND this perspective of a candy shop and 1999. As I'm snowed and blowed in, i was going to watch a movie (Lord of the rings with andrea and Karl), but maybe a resolution plan will take its place. (hope you like yoga - it's great for me 2x a week and any bend i get)